Literary reviews by Tim Love.
Warning: Rather than reviews, these are often notes in preparation for reviews that were never finished, or pleas for help with understanding pieces. See Litref Reviews - a rationale for details.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

"Giant in the doorway" by Marion Tracy (Happenstance, 2012)

Poems from Obsessed with Pipework and some Australian publications.

There's much about light, kitchens and doors. The first section is a sequence about a family trip, the persona a young girl, the mother having a bit of a breakdown. Except for apostrophes it's punctuation-free. Most of the poems have 3-lined stanzas , lines all about the same length. Here's an extract -

there's a lamp a table a bookcase with glass sliding doors
and an album of pressed flowers she's upstairs

putting lennie into pyjamas

The disruptions are minor. I soon settled into reading it as if it were "just prose" - indeed some of the pages could be prose (Flash sequences are all the rage nowadays). Madness is a tricky topic in that a straight depiction can sound poetic. So all in all, I had trouble reading this section neutrally, the easily poetic layouts not allaying my suspicions about the naturally poetic content.

I much preferred the 2nd part (individual poems) - "ECT" and "Constriction" are my favourites.

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