Literary reviews by Tim Love.
Warning: Rather than reviews, these are often notes in preparation for reviews that were never finished, or pleas for help with understanding pieces. See Litref Reviews - a rationale for details.

Saturday, 30 April 2022

"Misprint" by James Womack (Carcanet, 2012)

Poems from PN review, The Wolf, etc. 2 small-print pages of informative notes.

Whimsical or indulgent? "The Water Cycle: Variations on a Theme" is 5 poems written to the same template, about half the words not changing. Any one of the poems would have sufficed.

Here's part of "The Underworld" -

'Later that evening, at a girl-on-girl in the Aqua Club,
I thought of the daughter, Macris, still locked in my suite.
But the night was still young, and we'd taken her shoestrings.
I appeared to the dancers in a shower of dead presidents

and here's section 6.III of "Eurydice" -

(And even enlightenment is precarious -
people can fall down stairs and break
the tiny mirrors in their eyes.)

I don't get most of the poetry. On his website he writes "Not many people wrote about it, but those who did were complimentary enough." He mentions Sean O’Brien (The Sunday Times), Heidi Williamson (Eyewear), Rory Waterman (Times Literary Supplement) and Thomas White (Stride Magazine).

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