Literary reviews by Tim Love.
Warning: Rather than reviews, these are often notes in preparation for reviews that were never finished, or pleas for help with understanding pieces. See Litref Reviews - a rationale for details.

Saturday 1 June 2024

"Just my luck" by Adele Parks

An audio book

Lexy, married to Jake with children Emily (15) and Logan, wins the lottery. £17 million. She wants to keep it secret but the others spill the beans. They've known two other couples for years and until the week before had been in a syndicate with the other couples, sharing the cost of the lottery ticket. The other couples try to claim a share of the money. Another issue is that Lexy wants to give a lot to charity. She works at a Citizen's Advice Bureau and feels sorry for those she meets. The couples change their statements.

There's been a growing tension between the families - the others were beginning to look down on Lexy and Jake. But Emily and Ridley (a boy from one of the other families) are close, and Emily is best friends with Megan, who's in the other family.

It seems odd that Lexy, who's thinking about the best causes to give money to suddenly gives £3 million (!) to Toma, somebody she's been trying to help. His wife and son died because of a skimping landlord. She respects his morality and also fancies him. Lexy's thoughts include phrases like "dauntless unassailability". It's odd that half way through the book, almost as an aside, Emily says she's pregnant with Ridley's child. Jake's affair with Jennifer, the wife of one of the other couples (they've been having sex weekly for 2 years(!)) is mentioned early on then forgotten for a while. The aggression of Megan against Emily (while Ridley is on watch) leaves her face badly bruised, yet no action is taken. The magnitude of their change of behaviour is odd.

Two-thirds through the novel there's a flashback to when Lexy discovered about the affair and another to when Emily realised she was pregnant.

Then we learn that Lexy's already discovered who the guilty landlord is - Patrick, father of Megan. Emily is kidnapped. Jake hands over £10 million and they get Emily back. Toma is suspected, then Patrick, but actually it's Jake who organised it. With the money he plans to fly to Mexico with not Jennifer but Carla the other wife in the group!


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