Literary reviews by Tim Love.
Warning: Rather than reviews, these are often notes in preparation for reviews that were never finished, or pleas for help with understanding pieces. See Litref Reviews - a rationale for details.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

"The yet unknowing world" by Fiona J. Mackintosh (Adhoc, 2021)

Flash from Flashflood, Bath Flash Anthologies, Fictive Dream, Spelk, Ellipsis, New Flash Fiction Review, The Short Story, Best Microfiction anthologies, Lost Balloon, etc. Over 35 of the pieces have already been published.

Too low-key/subtle for me. I liked "The cardboard box of happiness", "Siren", "Snow falling upwards", "Consanguinity" and "The shape of things to come" the most.

Other reviews

  • Annamarie Neary (These are stories hell-bent on overstepping their boundaries, and many take on added significance from the stories that surround them ... In Mackintosh’s world, the surface of things is very often only the start of the story. And yet, the surface is so very alluring. ... ‘Triangle’, is a magnificent piece of storytelling ... strong themes emerge — betrayal, lost love, art, time, the cruel pantomime of ageing)
  • Judy Darley

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