Literary reviews by Tim Love.
Warning: Rather than reviews, these are often notes in preparation for reviews that were never finished, or pleas for help with understanding pieces. See Litref Reviews - a rationale for details.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

"Interference pattern" by J.O. Morgan (Cape, 2016)

A long poem, giving space for long analogies, e.g.

  • "it's like the lights that flash across the face/ of a fruit-machine so many colours that flare up/ and go out so fast it's as if they are all lit at once/ all options coexistent till at a thumb's punch just/ one is picked out and the others all fall away/ one button now so bright and bold upraised/ as if to be so touched is to be made permanent// though not itself the fruit-machine/ nor its fodder of pound-coins its purpose/ to boost hope in brilliant hues/ only for it to fall again back through the gloom/ of those lights going out and the sound/ of the kept coin that drops striking other coins/ heavy with promise of some sudden breach/ of the welcoming flood/ as a lure to be fed ever more" (p.6)
  • p.23-24 has a long section about string/m-brane theory. There's more on p.49.
  • "it's like two boats whose courses bump and/ after for a while run parallel and when/ the vessels connect their timbers mesh/ in part are joined and when again they split some aspect of the other/ is retained with what they had/ together gained unequal to/ those aspects now torn out" (p.34)

The passage starting on p.42 could be Flash, though I don't think it's very good.

Not my type of poetry.

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